If you`re sitting across from a prospect, reviewing their taxes at this time of year or social security statements from a marketing event, remember that what they own is not important in the beginning! Asking them, “how do you feel about what you own?” is going to help you connect with them and often get to the heart of how you will win them over. You can also do this by E-mail or even in a social media tweet or a short YouTube video, posted on your “You Tube” channel but then the video link sent by e-mail or tweet.
Here is an example;
I’m trying to improve myself as an advisor every day, and I was thinking about you yesterday while having a conversation with my better half and they asked me, “How do you think they feel about the accounts they aren’t managing with you?” That really set me back and I actually lost sleep, so this morning I decided to send you this question and request.
Do you understand the accounts you own? Or do you just “own what you own” and in your mind moving those assets to our firm would not mean feeling any different? I think a lot of people I have made recommendations to have felt that they don’t understand what they have for investments but changing to another asset would just be changing to another account they don’t understand. I hope that’s not true but I fear that it is.
Would you take a 15 min call from me to discuss how you feel about what you own know?
I will not shove anything at you, I’m truly looking to improve myself and I would appreciate receiving the gift of your time.
You`ll be surprised how far you can get and how quickly you can get there!
As Always You`re Welcome,
The Tax “What-if” Dr;-)